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Choosing the Right Facebook Ad for Your Business

Facebook ads are one of the cheapest promotional tools available to marketers. From as little as 5c per click through it is possible to create your own demographically targeted campaign for as little as $10 per week. Even the Premium ads are very inexpensive and simple enough to customize that anyone can be promoting themselves on Facebook with only a few minutes of work. Even though they are so cheap, unless you use the right Facebook ads for your business and its products it is possible to spend a lot of time with little or no return for your efforts.

There is a variety of advertisement types that are available on Facebook and choosing the right one for your promotion is important. For some businesses it may be better to focus on the local trade that can be generated by using Facebook Marketplace advertising. A campaign offering Marketplace customers a discount or a freebie could drive a significant amount of traffic to businesses like cafes or small retailers without having to spend a cent. For most businesses though it will be more productive to use Facebook’s PPC ads or sponsored stories to drive traffic to your corporate website.

The most basic Facebook ad is a standard Pay Per Click (PPC) ad that links to a webpage off of Facebook. For the sheer volume of traffic that this can generate it can be an effective way of increasing the traffic to your blog or landing page but it lacks the engagement features that give the Premium ads their real edge of effectiveness. Because social media is driven by engagement it follows that the most effective advertising on these sites is going to be one that invites users to interact or leave their opinion.

Premium Facebook ads not only allow interaction with the user but then go on to generate stories from them for the friends of the users that have taken the time to engage with them. Because people are more likely to take an interest in a brand that their friends have liked, Facebook ads have a personal touch that makes them appealing. The levels of engagement are different for each of the Premium ad configurations and range from a simple ‘like’ to leaving comments on videos that are embedded in the ad itself. Similarly, Facebook Sponsored Stories puts the user into the story by letting their friends see in their news feeds how they interacted with your business.

Depending upon what sort of business you are promoting and what sort of services or products you are selling it may be appropriate to use a sampling ad which takes customers to a webpage off of Facebook where they can claim their free sample offer. This has the advantage of allowing you to collect their personal information and helps to quantify the amount of social media traffic that is coming to your site. Events ads can also be an effective way of driving traffic to your website as any sort of event from a trade show, product demonstration or a podcast or webinar can be promoted and once a person has accepted an invitation it is easier to get them to become a visitor to your site as your promotion for the event develops.

A useful feature of Facebook Premium ads is that there is a poll ad configuration that can be useful to take a straw poll on issues that relate to your niche and can be helpful in determining how you will market your business in the future. With so many more options than a simple click through ad, Facebook ads are one of the most effective promotional tools available but it does take a bit of thought to find the most effective way to use them.

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