Marketing in the Time of Coronavirus: 10 Ideas for Your Business
From small to large businesses, no one is immune to the impact brought by the coronavirus pandemic.
Businesses are struggling to stay afloat. Owners need to think strategically when it comes to their operation and marketing.
Digital marketing, in particular, is a very powerful tool in a time where almost everyone is indoors and online.
This can be seen as a huge opportunity for businesses to expand their reach online, especially if their competitors aren’t doing so.
Here are 10 creative digital marketing coronavirus ideas that will help your business to survive and even thrive in these strange times.
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1. Work On Your SEO
More people are inside their homes and on their computers and smartphones.
Search traffic has increased drastically for many industries, which means that now is a time to make sure your company can be easily found online with target keywords.
Working on your website’s SEO is definitely a smart move since the higher your website ranks in the search results, the more traffic and potential customers you’ll receive.
This is especially true if you sell physical products on your website since many people are reacting to this stressful time by shopping online.
It’s time to start ramping up your SEO efforts which include creating new content targeting more keywords, building backlinks, and optimizing your headlines and copy.
You need to show your clients that you’re still an SEO company that they can rely on.
2. Connect With Your Social Media Followers
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a great deal of stress. One of the best things you can do as a business is to reach out to your social media followers and offer support.
It’s not the best time to over-promote your products and services but rather find ways that your business can contribute.
This can include offering free masks, food supplies, support to the elderly or contributing to the community.
Any of these things will have a positive impact on your business as your audience are aware of your good deeds and support your business both during and after this pandemic.
3. Use Zoom, Skype, YouTube & Other Video-Based Technology
Many people are feeling quite alone due to the fact that social distancing is necessary.
This depends on the type of business that you have, but if possible, you should offer video-based support and even consulting.
For example, if you run a gym, then one great idea is to offer Zoom video calls to groups of your customers where you go through home-based workouts that everyone can do together.
You can even make use of Facebook Live to run live classes.
Basically, you should think about how you can offer your business’s services online using these platforms or how you can adapt your services to do so.
4. Do PPC Advertising
If your business doesn’t currently use PPC or pay per click advertising, now is a great time to start.
This is because the average cost of clicks has decreased significantly and you can now run ads at much cheaper costs.
To grow your business, you need to expand when others contract.
So, while your competitors are busy cutting back on their PPC ads, you should do the opposite and gain market share.
5. Use Email Marketing To Reach Out To Your Customers
Since you’re unable to see and interact with your customers on a face to face basis, you should make use of email marketing to reach out to them.
Send an email to your customers to let them know how your business will be responding to COVID-19 so that they know what to expect.
You should also create email and content marketing posts to further engage with your customers.
6. Cause Marketing is the Way to Go
One of the more popular digital marketing ideas for 2020 will be marketing.
This is exactly what it sounds like where your business gives a portion of its sales to a particular cause, charity, local community organization or individuals in need.
For example, for every sale that you make during a particular period, you’ll donate 15%.
This is a fantastic way to generate even more sales, keep your business profitable and serve your community.
7. Use All You Website & Social Media Platforms To Keep The Public Informed
Many people are confused about what to look out for and what to do about COVID-19. Even though the government is trying their best to disseminate information, many people are having anxiety about the situation.
You can create your own branded information on the most asked questions and share it on all your business’s social media pages and even on your website.
This will help to disseminate critical information and increase your brand recognition at the same time.
You can create a sidebar or page that is dedicated to the information surrounding COVID-19 and the ways to help owners keep their business afloat.
Infintech Designs is a New Orleans website design and SEO company that helped clients put up COVID-19 announcements and updated their current situation.
Despite the situation, the clients were still able to get customers online.
8. Create Special Offers
One of the best creative digital marketing ideas at this time is to create special offers to encourage more sales.
Many people are trying to save money and as a result, your business may be suffering.
But by crafting special offers and discounts, you can stimulate sales so that your business can remain open.
Once you’ve created these special offers or discounts, you can advertise them on your social media pages and even through PPC ads.
9. Continue Getting Positive Online Reviews
Online reputation management is critical for businesses since many people decide on whether to patronize a business or not, based on their past customer reviews.
Now that Google has released reviews from quarantine, it’s time to get yours moving.
10. Get Ready to Bounce Back
Even though business is not so great at the moment, the coronavirus outbreak will eventually end and life we’ll return to normal.
This means that consumers will start to behave and spend as they did before and there may even be a huge surge in spending behavior.
It’s imperative that you don’t stop all of your digital marketing efforts, especially your SEO and PPC efforts since if you do so, then your business won’t be at the forefront when COVID-19 is but a memory.
Always plan for the future and continue marketing your business to take advantage of the economic bounce back.
Be Consistent
We don’t know what happens in the coming days ahead.
But what matters most is you don’t give up your business just because a virus is thwarting it.
Take it from us at Infintech Designs who continue to market ourselves out there. Hope you’re doing the same, too!