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The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Your Web Content

Your company’s website is like your business’s front window display on the Internet, and so it is important that it presents a great image of your products and services. Part of the impact that every corporate website has comes from its design, but even the most visually stunning website will only work for you if the content is valuable to your visitors. The focus of corporate websites has shifted from keyword stuffed pages of sales copy to providing high quality content that encourages visitors to be engaged with it, but this has put a lot of pressure on webmasters to produce a steady supply of valuable content. Because most businesspeople are already pressed for time, this has led to a lot of websites outsourcing content like their blog posts, which may solve the content supply difficulties but can also raise other issues.

Writing your own blog posts may be more expensive than outsourcing them. If it takes you a couple of hours to write a 500-1000 word blog post then it is probably cheaper to hire a professional blogger to write at least some of the posts for you. It is possible to find freelancers that will supply blog posts for as little as $5 or $10 each, but the cost of outsourced web content is only one consideration, as it is just as important that the quality of the content is high enough to attract and keep an audience. High quality content may be worth more but it is worth the extra cost to have a website that contains genuinely valuable information.

Not all writers are equal, so it is important to find blog writers that produce the quality of content that you want appearing on your site. Most businesspeople are experts in their own fields but lack the writing skills necessary to put what they know into words. For many people the thought of having to regularly write a blog post equates to the tortures of their high school English classes, and so they will struggle to keep up with the demanding schedule of running their blog along with their business. However, it is important to find writers that understand your niche so that they have the knowledge required to produce great content. Using professional writers to produce your content ensures that they have the passion and the skills to produce posts that will keep your corporate website fresh and inviting.

One major drawback that comes with outsourcing all of your website content is that it reduces the direct connection that you have with your audience. The whole point of running your corporate blog is to create a place where you can engage with your customers, and just handing the whole thing over to a third party removes you from the conversation. If you are going to hire writers for your blog it is vital that you check in and join the conversation. This will not only keep you personally involved with your customers, but it will also give you a direct indication of how your writers are being received.

Good content has become the best SEO strategy and so the pressure to produce high quality content is only going to increase in the future, making outsourcing a more commonly chosen option for many business blogs. Hiring the right professional writer can be a cost effective way to improve and maintain the quality of your corporate website. If you are looking for the right freelancers for your business’s web content, then you should contact Infintech Designs, who can match the writer with your website to produce the best possible results.

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