Twitter is the Most Effective Social Media Market
Twitter is the social media site that most of us would associate with celebrities because of the huge number of followers that many pop divas and film stars have collected. For instance, at last count, Lady Gaga had 26.88 million followers1, only a few million more than the total number of album sales that she has generated2. There is a good reason why all of these A-list stars take the time to tweet all of their latest news to their legion of fans—it is great marketing.
The first rule of marketing is to get your message into the places where your prospects will see them. With 633 million current users3 Twitter has doubled its number of accounts in the last year, and with 800,000 new users coming online every day, the growth seems set to continue into the foreseeable future. This makes Twitter one of the places that you will find your customers online. However, with almost 50% more users4, Facebook is another place for this and yet Facebook ads are still producing very low conversion rates because Facebook users tend to dislike marketing material on Facebook. In 2011, Twitter’s revenue grew by an astonishing 213% to reach $139.5 million, and it is projected to exceed half a billion dollars by 20145. At the same time, Facebook’s advertising revenues have dropped back to a moderate 69% growth6 after several years of 200%+ increases7. Now that marketers have been using social media for marketing, they are beginning to put their efforts into the networks that produce the best results and at the moment that is Twitter.
Twitter is seen by many analysts as being in the early part of its lifecycle with just under half of its users being signed up in the past year. One fifth of these users follow brands on Twitter, and of these, 38% follow 5 brands or more8. While 84% of users read the Tweets by brands and 23% tweet about brands only, 77% read them on Facebook and 13% make posts about brands in their status updates8. While there may be many more people on Facebook (at the moment), the people on Twitter are using the site to become more engaged with brands.
Part of this may be due to the way that Twitter users engage with the site itself, where they spend less time on the site but log in more times per day. This indicates that users are checking their tweets on a regular basis just like they check their e-mails and SMS messages, and it shows that they are looking for valuable information to use during their day on the site. In contrast, Facebook boasts the longest engagement times of social media but users log onto their Facebook pages less frequently and are there to browse the comments and connect with their social circles.
Twitter’s 140 character message restriction makes it less likely to be the place where users interact deeply with their friends and more likely to be a medium for posting a message about good (or bad) service that they have experienced with your business. This makes Twitter the perfect medium for short promotional messages, and the mobile friendly nature of Twitter means that it is more likely that you can use well-timed promotional messages to leverage immediate traffic to your business from customers that are picking up their tweets while shopping.
Twitter seems set to continue to grow and at the same time to develop as a marketing friendly social network. To take full advantage of the potential that Twitter has for your business, you only have to start tweeting now, and Infintech Designs can create a Twitter marketing campaign that will work for you.
- 2011 Chadwick Martin Bailey Consumer Pulse