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boost google reviews - Infintech Designs Jan 28, 2021

How To Gain More Reviews in GMB

Google My Business (GMB) is one of the most powerful tools that a company can use for growth.

Google is the most popular website to exist, and consumers rely on the search engine to find what they need every day.

Having a presence on Google makes you visible in searches. GMB has a review feature that can increase traffic to your area further and increase Google review rating in the process.

Discovering the best way to increase Google reviews will give you an edge over the competition. Reviews can make or break your business.

The Google Review Policy

This policy is a way for Google to enforce regulations on businesses who might want to abuse the features of GMB.

It’s a brief section that leaves room for interpretation. In the simplest of terms, Google only wants reviews that are honest and polite.

The policy also states the criteria required for submitting a review, including:

  • Who can submit reviews
  • What is allowed in a review
  • What businesses can do if they receive a review that is not within the standards of GMB

Following the Google Review Policy is of the utmost importance if you want to maintain an online presence. Users who don’t follow the policy may have their reviews deleted. In the worst-case scenario, GMB may even ban users.

The policy also lists some dos and don’ts for you to follow. Within this is one of the key elements to consider for gaining more reviews on the site.

You can ask customers to submit reviews as long as you don’t request reviews in bulk.

best way to increase goaogle reviews - Infintech DesignsStudies have proven that customers are more likely to leave a review if you ask them, and in that aspect, your customers are the strongest asset you can rely on for building your presence in GMB.

Taking it a step further, you can target customers who enjoy using your products.

These include returning customers or those who have signed up for any loyalty programs. Brand loyal customers are more likely to leave positive reviews.

It’s highly likely that once in a while you will receive a review that you may not like.

As long as the majority of your reviews are exemplary, however, you will still experience an increase in growth over time.

Do note that you cannot specifically solicit positive reviews from your customers.

The strategy of targeting your customers will simply increase your chances of a positive review. It will also increase your Google rating because Google loves business that are specific when it comes to their target audience.

Even then, you are not allowed to influence their statements. Google wants to maintain a standard of honesty. If you don’t adhere to the policy, then you could see some penalties enforced.

Do Not Write Fake Reviews

Google does not allow fake reviews on its website.

While it can be tempting to write yourself a couple of fake reviews for a boost, Google will punish you in several ways if caught.

They can lower your search engine ranking, delete positive reviews, and even have you banned.

The FTC also doesn’t allow fake reviews, and your business could face fines if discovered.

increase google review rating - Infintech DesignsHowever, this doesn’t stop others from writing a fake negative review about your business.

The best thing you can do in this case is to respond, flag, and report the review as soon as possible. By responding, you allow others to see that it is a fake review.

After reporting it, Google may delete the fake review, but this isn’t a guarantee. This is why it’s important to have positive reviews that can overpower the negative ones.

Another rule is that you can’t pay customers to leave reviews.

The policy states that this isn’t allowed, even by your own employees. Google classifies employees as a material relationship, in that they will have a bias through association.

How Long Does it Take for a Google Review to Post?

Google doesn’t specify a timeline of when a review will show up after submission. In our experience, the fastest time that a review can be posted is on the same day. Most, however, will appear within three days.

There was a time during the onset of the pandemic that Google experienced a stark increase in search volume. The increase made them redefine their algorithm to accommodate the influx.

During this time, Google put many of its resources into the engine.

As a result, some reviews took weeks before they were posted. Thankfully, things are back to normal now.

Reviews: The Key to Success

As the world continues to transition to become more Google-dependent, having a strong GMB presence will reap great rewards.

People trust reviews like they’re a recommendation from a close friend. It helps them gauge if a business is worth their money, helping them make an informed decision.

You don’t even have to worry if you get a few bad reviews along the way.

Google will handle this for you if you respond correctly.

Having a few nicks in your armor also makes your business look genuine.

Studies have shown that many customers prefer seeing some negative reviews to help them make better decisions.

The best way to increase Google reviews is by being proactive, so start building your account now.

Need a review for your business but don’t have the time to post one? Let our team at Infintech Designs help you. Get it touch with us today!

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