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Creating Content: From One Idea to Multiple Posts - Infintech Designs Apr 11, 2013

Creating Content: From One Idea to Multiple Posts

Creating content for a blog doesn’t have to be a cumbersome chore. You don’t need to have notebooks full of ideas, dozens of bookmarked writing sites or borrow ideas from others. If you can think of just one idea, no matter how simple it seems, you can write multiple posts about it. The key is to approach it from several different angles. By approaching your single idea from different angles, you’ll discover new ways to think and talk about your topic. Try these techniques to take your single idea from one blog post to a blog full of posts.

Create a List about the Topic
Lists are a great way to start out with a topic. Consider the topic “toddler pajamas” for the duration of this article. If you knew that there were five main styles of toddler pajamas, you could create a list briefly summarizing each type with the caveat that you’ll cover each style more in depth in your following posts. You’d then create a post for each different style. All of these posts would be interlinked to make it easier for your readers to navigate. As a bonus, interlinking also helps your site look better to search engines. Not only do you get multiple posts, you broaden your appeal to readers who are looking for specific information.

Create a Series on the Topic
Series provide an opportunity for multiple posts from one topic with the added benefit of bringing your reader back for more. Who wants to read only one part of a series, after all? Looking at “toddler pajamas” again, to create a series on the topic, you may want to write about creating bedtime themes for children. For example, a Thomas the Train theme could detail several different options for Thomas the Train toddler pajamas, offer suggestions for a book to read at bedtime and even suggest songs, games, or bath time activities to incorporate the theme into the bedtime routine. You can do this with many characters, patterns and styles all based around the type of pajamas the child has.

Try a Different Perspective
Examining a topic from different perspectives is easier than it sounds. Consider all the things you know about toddler pajamas. You know they need to be washed, so your readers may be interested in an article titled, “How to Remove Stains from Toddler Pajamas”. Parents are always concerned with the safety of their children, meaning the “Top 3 Safest Fabrics for Toddler Pajamas” would be of interest to many caregivers. For your crafty readers, you may want to try a post titled, “The Beginner’s Guide to Making Toddler Pajamas”. What about those annoying buttons and zippers? Solicit the opinions of your readers by making a “Toddler Pajamas: Buttons vs. Zippers” post. As you can see, even for the most mundane topics, there are unlimited possibilities when you consider taking different approaches to a topic.

Ask Someone to Guest Post
If you’re not interested in doing all of the writing yourself, or if you think your readers would benefit from reading the perspective of another person, ask someone to guest post. This will not only provide fresh topical content for your readers, but that guest will likely post a backlink to your blog from theirs, meaning more traffic and readers for you. It helps build relationships and create conversations around the topics you’re passionate about.

Coming up with multiple ideas for posts is one element of a successful blog strategy. For advice and assistance with online marketing, optimization for search engines, and other ways to make your blog successful, contact Infintech Designs.

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3110 Magazine St., #120
New Orleans, LA 70115

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