Facebook Branding: What You Should Know
Facebook is one of the top social networking sites on the internet today. If you are a business owner and you are not using Facebook, then you are simply missing out on a very big chance to connect with more customers. In addition, the majority of your competitors are likely using Facebook and if you are not using Facebook, they are getting the visibility that your business could be receiving.
However like many business owners are probably thinking, how exactly would you stay competitive on Facebook with so much competition? Simply putting up a fan page is not enough any more. Utilizing Facebook as a marketing channel requires time and money and you will need to put resources toward managing your Facebook just like with any other page.
Here are some tips on how you should develop your Facebook profile so that you can not only stay ahead of your competition but also increase the engagement with your fans.
Include Interesting Timeline Cover Photos
The timeline cover photos should reflect your company’s identity. Include pictures that explain more about the products and services that you offer as well as the overall mission of your company. Your company’s message should be readily apparent from the photos that you choose to display. You should also give your visitors a reason to visit your Facebook page by choosing clever photos.
Profile Photos
Profile photos should not be gimmicky unless that is the image that your business is trying to portray. Upload a real picture of the owner or other staff members in your to give your Facebook fans a glimpse into your business as well as work to build rust. If you opt to upload profile photos, make sure that they are high resolution photos so that they look sharp.
If you are really serious about using Facebook as another channel for your online marketing efforts, you must update your profile regularly. This part of the job can become time consuming so it is a good idea to consider hiring an internet marketing firm to handle this task for you if your budget allows. You can start however by writing a few lines to promote your product or service and keep fans updated regularly on special promotions and information that would be relevant to them at your company. Keeping the mood light and fun will help to attract more fans. Don’t be afraid to use humor where appropriate as well.
As your Facebook marketing campaign progresses, you must also consider how your marketing efforts are working. There are a number of tools that you can use that you can use to track your progress. An internet marketing firm can help you to develop a strategy that will help you to maximize the conversion rates.
Stay Active
The most important factor to keep the conversions coming with regard to your social media campaign is to stay active. Your efforts will not matter much if you make a strong effort to start but the updates gradually stop coming. You will probably need an internet marketing firm to keep the updates coming when you don’t have time to post. You must also keep in mind that some Facebook fans will not convert right away but will possibly convert after following your page for a period of time which is why the longevity of your Facebook postings are so important.
Do you need assistance with developing your brand on Facebook? Get in touch with Infintech Designs today and we can help you to put together a strategy that will help your business to gain new customers via an additional marketing channel.