What Should Go on My Home Page?
A lot of website owners seem to be confused about what should go on a home page. Some website owners see the home page as a place the dump all of the information about their website because they are probably afraid that visitors will never see the rest of the site. Other website owners see the home page as a place to display a fancy animation or site introduction which visitors are forced to watch before they can check out the site. While neither of these options might be your website’s strategy, it is important to know what should go on the home page so that your website achieves optimum conversion rates.
The homepage is no longer the center of the site
While traditionallythe home page was responsible for the majority of the page rank of a website, the search engines have gotten a lot smarter and now recognize that a site is not only about whatever the content on the home page says it is. Landing pages within the site have become increasingly important and in some cases may even outrank the home page in terms of traffic.
The benefit of this is that you no longer need to make your home page about everything. Now it can be more refined and focused on a specific goal.This goal may be to introduce users to a specific product or service or help offer a quick introduction to a specific value proposition.
Above the fold is dead
Web design used to be about making sure that all of of the information that you want to discuss is on the first half of the page so that the user does not have to scroll down. This practice was put into place with the idea in mind that readers would automatically click off the page and that a high bounce rate was pretty much the norm. Nowadays, using better targeted content and video can help keep to visitors engaged so that they review all of the content on your home page and don’t immediately click off.
What should be on your home page
Regardless of how you choose to layout your home page, the home page should have these three things: a summary of the company or offer’s value proposition, social proof, and a call to action. The purpose of the value proposition is to quickly give the visitor a reason why your product or service is important. This can be done via text or video but must explain your reasoning effectively if you don’t want the visitor to move on to a competitor. The social proof is needed in order to prove to your visitor that the claims that you make on your home page are valid and proven. Finally the call to action lets the visitor know what do do next whether that is to sign up for something or to make a purchase.
The design of the page itself can be up to your preference but these days responsive design is gaining traction as the best way to get pages that are both mobile and desktop friendly. Responsive design is also leading the way in terms of pages that convert highly among users.
Do you need help with designing your website? Let us help you out with the design and content writing for your site. Infintech Designs can create a quality website for your business today! Contact us via chat now or give us a call.