SEO Tips for Small Business
Small businesses need a lot of help when it comes to SEO. Oftentimes it is because they are competing with larger companies with larger budgets. If you are trying to figure out how to get ahead in terms of SEO with a limited small business marketing budget, here are a few tips that can help.
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Make Sure That Technical Aspects Are Taken Care Of
It is very easy to ignore issues on your own site and instead look to external reasons as to what is hurting your SEO campaign. If you have not had a full audit of your site done for SEO, then it is very important that you have this done as soon as possible. An SEO professional can examine your site and let you know if there are issues that need to be resolved. Many issues can stem from overlooking items as errors with your site map, missing metadata or tags. These issues, while they may seem small. can cause problems for the search engine bots that crawl your site. This may lead the bots to interpret the errors as a poor user experience for your users, which could lead o lower rankings.
Get Links From Other Websites
While link building really deserves a dedicated campaign of its own, a good place to start with link building is to reach out to people in your existing network. Request that these people post blog articles or other web content on their sites and link back to your site. To make it easier for them to post the content, you can create the content for them and then simply have them post it. This will provide you with a good start of quality backlinks from sites that are older and more established than your own website.
Build Up Your Social Media Presence
Google has previously acknowledged that social signals play a role in determining site rankings. If you want your site to rank higher in the search engines, then you should focus on building up your social media profiles. This means that you should make sure that your profile is complete on sites that you don’t use frequently. For the sites that your business does use frequently, consider creating more content that is shareable. This will help the content that you create to reach more people which will in turn attract more followers and backlinks for your social media profiles.
Increase Internal Links
Internal link building is just as important as external link building. You can increase the number of internal links for your website by creating content and linking it to existing pages on your website. For an additional SEO boost, consider creating blog posts or site pages that are optimized for your top keywords. This will not only help your site rankings but you will also see better rankings for the specific keywords that you want to target. Make sure that you do not overuse the keyword in the content so that the page is not considered to be keyword stuffed.
Is your business a small company that can use some professional assistance with SEO? Infintech Designs works exclusively with small businesses and we can help. Request your free quote now.