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A hand holding a phone with different social media icon. Sep 05, 2015

Tips for Getting More Mobile Users

Getting more mobile users is not hard when you use proven techniques. In fact, mobile is poised to become the largest source of online conversions. Focusing on your mobile marketing strategy can only help to improve results for your business. Here are some tips for getting more mobile users.


Create Device Specific User Experiences


The type of device that a person is using can often determine what stage of the sales process the customer is in. In you want to draw in more mobile users, consider segmenting your audience by device. This can allow you to target users on specific devices with relevant messages. In addition, you can also use the GPS location features offered by many mobile devices in order to determine the current location of your users and create location-based incentives. This approach works great for delivering coupons and last-minute promotions that customers must take advantage of immediately.


User More Visual Content


Since mobile device screens tend to be smaller, using a lot of text is probably not the most effective way to reach your customers. Therefore, you should increase the amount of visual content that you are using, including images, infographics and videos. These content types tend to display well on mobile devices and can be easily shared via social media. Make sure that any visual content that you use has clear call-to-action messages and offers content that is actually helpful to your users.


Local Optimization


Local optimization is extremely important for improving your mobile marketing efforts, especially if your business is a local business. Local optimization for mobile devices involves creating organic content that is only available for mobile devices. In addition, you should invest in paid ads to target mobile users in the locations where you require leads. While general optimization is recommended for overall site positioning, local optimization is an important tool for getting more mobile users.


Optimize for Mobile


It can be tempting to want to create a smaller version of your website for mobile. However, the truth is that mobile users do not need all of the same features that desktop users need. Consider trimming the site content that displays for mobile users so that the responsive version of your site for mobile contains less features. This will make your site load more quickly and it can also help you to identify which features of your website are not really doing anything to improve your conversion rates.


Do you need help with your mobile marketing strategy? Infintech Designs can help you to optimize your website so that it provides better results. Click here for a free review of your mobile marketing strategy today.

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