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Top Three Reasons Why New Orleans Search Engine Optimization Firms Consider Site Speed as an Important Factor

For years, search engine marketers used techniques anchored in text content to promote their sites. There’s the keyword density, meta keywords, strength of links, number of backlinks, freshness of content, as well as PPC ads, if applicable. Some New Orleans search engine optimization firms even go to the extent of using agreeable font colors and sizes together with images in order to ensure a nice reading experience. However, only a few website owners take into account their site speed. Site speed pertains to how fast your site loads before the full content is displayed.

Site speed is important for several reasons:
It sets the number of repeat visitors your traffic will likely have. This is because Internet users are more likely to stay on a website that quickly responds to their requests. Bear in mind that for a single keyword, thousands and possibly millions of results come up; so there is absolutely no reason for a visitor to spend minutes just to wait for your site to respond.

According to the internal tests conducted by a New Orleans search engine optimization firm, a faster site speed also helps reduce operating costs. Not only that, the return on investment is faster and definitely worth the speed upgrade you do.

A search engine is also affected by your site’s speed. This is because the longer the site loads, the longer the user has to wait and less searching is done. This is a “search and go” society we live in and a search engine does its business by making users  satisfied  and driving more website visits.

The importance of site speed has been further emphasized by Google, one of the leading search engines today. Just recently, they have announced that site speed is now part of their criteria for site ranking. However, not all sites will be affected as the change is limited to queries written in English on the Google website. Hence, the use of site speed as a ranking factor will only affect about 1% of all websites worldwide.

If your site is one of the 1% that will be affected by this change, what is the best thing to do?
Hiring the services of a New Orleans search engine optimization firm will help.  Such firm will first analyze your site’s performance by running it on a number of software. There are free tools that you can also take advantage of such as the Page Speed, Webpage test and the YSlow. The only difference is that a New Orleans search engine optimization firm can tell you exactly where improvements can be made and how the issue at hand can be resolved using SEO friendly techniques.

Your site speed matters; and the fact that it has now been included as one of Google’s criteria for determining search engine results makes it a more important factor in search engine optimization. With the help of a New Orleans search engine optimization firm, try to evaluate how your site responds to user requests and determine how your current layout and effects affect its speed.  With the right information, you will be able to improve visitor satisfaction and create a stream of loyal users in the long run.

If you need someone who has an enormous amount of knowledge on all the aspects of a website and how they affect your ROI, contact Brian Hong at 504-717-4837 or log on to


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