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Video Ad Sequencing on YouTube Oct 04, 2021

Anything You Need to Know About Video Ad Sequencing on YouTube

Recognizing the importance of video ad sequencing on YouTube is necessary for improving product recall and purchase intent. YouTube sees over two billion monthly active users who spend a daily average time of 18 minutes on the video streaming platform.

Marketers must tap into these people’s viewing habits to effectively reach them and solve their pain points.

Video sequencing is a strategy that helps drive campaigns. This technology allows advertisers to arrange their advertisements specifically, prompting YouTube to serve them in such order.

According to YouTube global product lead Brian Becker, their data suggests that multi-step sequences can drive over 60% higher Brand Lift than single-asset campaigns. Brand Lift measures YouTube ad impact on a consumer’s journey.

Brian’s team also identified five advertising templates marketers can adopt to maximize their campaign’s impact.

Consider the following  YouTube video sequencing strategies, as targeting experts have acknowledged.

1. Tease, Amplify, Echo

Video Ad SequencingThis sequence involves three videos beginning with one six-second-long clip. This short clip teases the audience with what is to come, basically setting a plan for the duration of the video.

The marketer can then expound and amplify their message with a longer video.

The longer form offers more space to explain the products or services they aim to sell. Further strategies can go into this section, amplifying the intended message.

Finally, another six-second clip would tie the entire video together as a summary.

These final seconds would reinforce the video’s message with a call to action to convince potential customers to convert.

2. Direct Shot

The Direct Shot ad sequence may use three to six videos with the same format to prove a point.

These videos usually are more effective when they are less than six seconds. Multiple videos of the same design aim to present an idea from different angles.

Giving the audience several perspectives of the same message could reach multiple people with individual pain points but a similar overall problem.

This strategy also helps advertisers customize content based on what converted the viewer. An effective Direct Shot sequence must be consistent with how it breaks down the products and services into clear value propositions.

In other words, potential consumers must understand the intended message entirely by the end of presenting multiple videos.

Additionally, marketers must consider viewer fatigue when using multiple videos of the same format. The primary key point must remain the same but multiple angles risk repetition. So, creativity factors into the Direct Shot sequence.

3. Mini-Series

The Mini-Series sequence adds some structure to the Direct Shot.

The multiple videos in this strategy are long-form and serve as chapters, consisting of an introduction, a conflict, a climax, and a resolution. Marketers can base their sequence on user engagement.

For instance, the advertiser can direct a person to learn more about a product or service if they view an ad.

Viewers who skip such ads can prompt the advertiser to adjust their targeting strategy to that person specifically. The targeted ad does not have to be a video but would reinforce the intended call to action.

4. Follow-Up

This sequence starts with a longer video and then moves on to a shorter video. The longer-form video would include information about the company and the product or service.

The purpose of the shorter video is to keep the overall message alive.

The Follow-Up sequence may also use a succession of shorter video ads to amplify the driving message further.

Putting the shorter-form videos at the end is to send a clear message and highlight the call to action.

5. Lead-In

Video MarketingThis sequence utilizes two videos to drive a point. The first video is a six-second clip introducing the entire video ad’s narrative.

The second video is a longer-form video that helps explain the consumer benefits of the marketer’s product and services.

The long-form video section contains a solid call to action.

The Lead-In sequence follows a similar formula to the Tease, Amplify, Echo sequence while taking elements from the Mini-Series sequence.

How To Test Video Ad Sequencing Campaign Success

YouTube has a Video Experiments platform allowing advertisers to assess how well each template resonates with a business’ audience.

Studying these statistics helps marketers develop more creative methods to present their messages and maximize their next campaign’s impact.


The use of video ad sequencing strategies on YouTube is critical to a company’s success in its online marketing campaigns. Among the five sequences that have been tested are:

  1. Tease, Amplify, Echo
  2. Direct Shot
  3. Mini-Series
  4. Follow-Up
  5. Lead-In

These sequences provide advertisers with different templates to deliver their message and make a lasting impact on their audiences. Marketers must also test each strategy’s effectiveness in their next video ad sequencing campaign.

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