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Web Design New Orleans – Going Mobile with your Business

Time and time again, the internet has proven itself to be a viable business asset. More and more companies are now advertising on the internet by creating a website and promoting their business online. They are even able to make sales on the internet as well by converting their website traffic to clients. If you are in New Orleans, no one understands how to do this better than the best web design New Orleans company.

But the design of your website is not enough to get a lot of leads, sales, and money. It is only part of the whole picture. There are a lot of external elements to take into consideration especially with the pace technology is growing today. In the past, people only viewed websites through a personal computer. But with smart phones and tablets, the trend has moved to mobile internet surfing.

That being said, if you are in New Orleans or your target market are residents of New Orleans, you should strongly consider a web design New Orleans company that also knows and understands the importance of mobile web design. People are now going mobile, and so should you.

The main difference between a typical design and a mobile web design is the fact that a mobile device doesn’t have all the graphics and capabilities to display various elements of a site. For example, a site made using Flash will typically not show up on the screen of a mobile device. It is a completely different animal to say the least.

On top of that, the concepts of building a mobile web design are way different considering the smaller screen and possibly slower internet connection. So what a good web design New Orleans company does is create a “smaller” version of your current site. All the marketing concepts, such as color scheme, logo, and other identifiable marks are there. But when it comes to other aspects, they are all trimmed down. The important thing is to keep the mobile site identifiable with the actual website, retaining the information and feel of the site, but removing everything that can be removed. Images, Flash, and other complicated elements of a site should be trimmed down so that it appears properly on a mobile devices.

It is also worth asking your web design company about mobile apps. These are programs designed for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. By downloading this, a client or customer gains a shortcut to your products and services. This is very helpful because they no longer have to go through their internet browser. These are great as an ongoing advertisement for your website on a mobile platform.

A business should always be able to move with the trends and keep up with time. If you are living in New Orleans or are targeting residents of New Orleans,  consider hiring an experienced web design New Orleans company that knows your target market or your marketing needs better. Most importantly, chose a company that is always updated with the latest in technologies and online marketing tactics. This is what they do for a living so more often than not, they know more than you do. If you want to be able to keep up, then you can learn more about mobile websites and marketing at or you can call Brian Hong at 504-717-4837 to learn more about upgrading your business to go mobile.

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