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Web-Design-What-Makes-a-Good-Footer - Infintech Designs Mar 07, 2013

Web Design: What Makes a Good Footer

Most site owners know that a website should be compelling, informative and engaging. They focus on their content and navigation above the fold to make a spectacular visual experience. But what happens when users get to the end of the site? It inevitably happens. As users read and scroll, they’ll naturally move to the bottom. Standard footers typically contain a copyright statement, email or contact link, privacy policy and terms of use. You can be more interesting than that. Here are a few pointers regarding web design and what makes a good footer.

Visual Aspects
The footer should be presented well. Sometimes, it repeats the navigation bar, but ideally, it should offer something not found elsewhere on your site. It should grab the attention of your visitors but avoid detracting from the main content. Rather than using a small footer with a single line of text, make it sizeable. Its height should be at least one quarter of its width. The footer should have a distinct boundary across the width of the page to identify where the site’s body ends and the footer begins. The footer should coordinate with the overall theme of the site, using the same color scheme, fonts and style. It should be interesting and attractive.

Content for Informational Sites
Informational sites often have a vast amount of content that the main navigation menu cannot do justice to. For these sites, it is helpful to put a sitemap in the footer detailing all the sections or keywords covered by the site. Those with large sitemaps may also want to add a search box to make finding topics easier. If your site isn’t quite big enough to need a sitemap but could use additional navigation, consider place links to the archives and categories in the footer. Tag clouds are used less frequently now, but they can be placed in this section as well. If your site is part of a larger network, place visually appealing images and links to those sites here.

Content for Service Oriented Businesses
For those that sell a service, the footer offers a second chance to persuade the visitor to use your services. Snippets of information about the site’s owner are appealing; most users want to know the face behind the site. You may also want to include your other projects and interests, links to social media accounts and contact information. You might want to add a short contact form and a place where visitors can sign up for your newsletters. Awards and accolades can be displayed here without seeming too showy. If you feel all of these issues are adequately addressed throughout the rest of your site, just have fun with it. Put pictures of yourself, your staff, or caricatures of yourselves in the footer. If your service business has a physical location, a link to a map with driving directions can be particularly useful to your visitors.

Content for Product Oriented Businesses
Many of the same elements that apply to service-based businesses also apply to those that sell products. Additionally, if you offer tangible products, you may want to display accepted payment methods, site security badges, guarantees and warranties, special offers, and links to customer support in your footer. The footer should be persuasive rather than informative and should remind the visitor of the benefits your product offers.

If you are building a new website or want advice on how your current online presence could be revamped then the professional team at Infintech Designs is waiting to hear from you. Their wide range of experience and expertise can help you to develop a winning web presence from head to foot.

Infintech Designs
3110 Magazine St., #120
New Orleans, LA 70115

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