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10 Major Google Search Algorithm Updates in 2021

As a business, you want to ensure that you stay current with all of Google’s algorithm updates to get the most out of your SEO.

Google constantly updates its system to provide a better user experience. They do this by updating and applying thousands of different changes in a year. All of these changes impact the user in one way or another.

Most changes won’t make a big difference to your SEO, but some will change the way you rank.

Content managers have a tough job to do. They need to keep up with what’s trending and provide that information to the people who visit their site. The internet is a very noisy place, and it can be hard to figure out what will get people’s attention.

But staying on top of the trends is the best way for content managers to make sure they’re giving their audience what they want.

PageTraffic has put together this handy list of insights about upcoming changes to Google searches in 2021. You could also follow the updates using Google’s search history.

Google Algorithm Updates of 2021 - Infintech Designs

  1. Passage Ranking Updated (February 2021)

    Google has been working on a new algorithm for ranking web pages. The goal is to use AI to understand the content and rank a particular page. The company has been working on this project for a while now.

    It was first announced in October 2018 and the aim is to have it ready by 2020. The idea is that the algorithm will be able to understand what a webpage contains, not just based on keywords but also based on the context of the words.

    Google’s RankBrain system ranks pages based on their relevance concerning one or more queries from users. Google’s new system will rank pages based not just on their relevance with respect to one or more queries from users, but also in terms of the context in which words appear in webpages, as well as other signals like links pointing to them.

  2. 100% Mobile-first Indexing Update (March 2021)

    Text sign showing Mobile Friendly - Infintech DesignsGoogle has announced that they will be ranking websites based on their mobile versions. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, you will rank lower in search engines. This change is set to take place in March 2021.

    This update is a part of Google’s Mobile-first Indexing (MFI) project which was announced in 2015 and was introduced to the public in 2018. The project aims to make sure that Google indexes and ranks websites based on their mobile versions.

  3. Product Reviews Update (April 2021)

    Review Magnifying Glass - Infintech DesignsGoogle has started a new initiative called Google Product Ratings. The company has partnered with several expert reviewers to provide in-depth reviews of products. They are looking for experts that can provide comparisons, quantitative data, and expert opinions about these products.

    The company is trying to make sure that the reviews it provides are as accurate as possible and provide the most relevant information on the product. This also means that Google is now looking for people who can provide in-depth reviews on products and services.

  4. MUM Updated (May 2021)

    MUM is a natural language called multitask unifies model using contextual information from varied sources to answer complex questions. MUM can be used in various fields, such as customer service, education, healthcare, and finance. It can also be applied in the fields of web search and data mining for both structured and unstructured data.

  5. Link Spam Update (June 2021)

    The Link Spam Update (June 2021) was an update to Google’s search ranking algorithm that targeted web results and image results. The update cracked down on malicious tactics utilized by some site owners, including the use of link spam, which is the act of creating links to a page in order to manipulate its rank in search engine rankings.

  6. Page Experience Update (June 2021)

    The Page Experience Update (June 2021) is a change to Google’s algorithm that will prioritize the person’s experience of a webpage. This update is designed to ensure that people are getting what they want when they visit a webpage. It will include newly prioritized factors such as Largest Content Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

  7. Page Title Update (August 2021)

    Google announced that it will be updating the way that titles are generated in August 2021. This update will no longer adjust titles according to queries, but to better represent the page as a whole.

    This update is designed to help Google understand what the page is about without relying on keywords. This will affect how Google ranks pages and how users find them in search results.

  8. Core Update (November 2021)

    Google core update text made with cube beads letters with a wrench - Infintecg DesignsThe Core Update is the latest update for the Google search engine. It was released last November 2021 and it has been designed to fight spam within search engine results.

    The update will make it harder for spammers to rank their content higher than legitimate web pages. It also aims to improve the quality of search engine results by removing spammy websites from the first page of Google’s search results.

  9. Local Search Update (30th November – 8th December 2021)

    Google has announced that it will be rebalancing various factors we consider in generating local search results. The proximity of searchers to businesses is considered a factor and will be given more weight in the search results. This is a major update that has been made to local searches and is expected to make them more accurate and relevant.

  10. Product Review Update (December 2021)

    Introducing two new practices for writing product reviews-provide evidence and include links to multiple sellers.

    As you know, the role of writers in the future of copywriting is growing. Copywriters can put their skills to use in a more efficient way. They can make sure that they are not wasting time on skill sets that they don’t have and instead focus on what they are best at – creativity and emotions.

    There has been a lot of debate about how to write product reviews. Some people believe that it should be more like a blog post with paragraphs and short sentences, while others believe it should be more like an article with long sentences and paragraphs.

    The new practice for writing product reviews is to provide evidence and include links to multiple sellers. This ensures that the review is unbiased and gives readers more information about the products they want to purchase.

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Infintech Designs is a digital marketing agency that specializes in helping small and medium-sized businesses succeed online.

Located in New Orleans, Louisiana, we understand the importance of making sure your business gets seen by customers searching for you on Google or other search engines—and this can be done through an effective web design strategy and clever use of ads.

We want to help make it easier for people like yourself with limited resources to get started! Contact us now!

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