2014 Email Marketing Benchmarks
When it comes to email marketing success, it all may seem relative. However, there are some players in your industry that are outperforming all of the rest. If you are not sure where your company stands, then you should consider reviewing some email marketing benchmarks to see if there is room for improvement. Here are some figures that you should be aware of.
Econsultancy recently released a report on email marketing called Email Marketing Industry Census Report 2014. This report reviews some important metrics with regard to email marketing that should give you an indication as to where your company stands when it comes to email marketing success.
Open Rates
With regard to email open rates, many industries are achieving average open rates of 15-25%. The industries that enjoy the highest open rates in that range include education, consumer services and non-profits. As for the lower end of the average, travel companies and media and publishing companies average around a 15% open rate. Healthcare companies currently enjoy the highest open rates at 26%.
Clickthrough Rates
Clickthrough rate measurements tend to provide more accurate and reliable data because of the fact that these metrics are not controls by circumstance as in the downloading of an impression pixel for in order to track email open rates. Clickthrough rates are not able to provide as precise data as conversion rate or order value metrics, but they still can be important to know as a steppingstone to improving.
The Econsultancy report breaks down clickthrough rates by industry and reveals that industries such as healthcare, consumer services, education and non-profits enjoy some of the highest clickthrough rates while travel companies again have low clickthrough rates.
Although it can be challenging for companies to achieve the numbers indicated by the large businesses that were involved in this study, it does show that there is room for smaller companies to improve. A good place to start would be to examine the email marketing techniques of competitors in your industry to see what they are doing differently.
Also it is important to make sure that you test your email marketing campaigns as much as possible. This means that subject lines and email content should be split tested. Email lists should also be segmented to ensure that subscribers are well targeted. In this way, email marketers can use their own data to figure how to achieve the ideal email benchmarks for their industries.
Furthermore, the data also only indicates averages and median numbers. This means that through testing your company still has the potential to blow these numbers out of the water and become one of the top email marketing performers in your industry. The possible results are simply dependent upon the amount of effort that you are willing to put into your email marketing campaign.
Are you in need of some assistance in order to improve your email marketing campaign? Infintech Designs specializes in email marketing and can help you to aim higher. Click here to request your free business email marketing review today!