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Tips on Your First Meeting with a New Orleans Marketing Firm - Infintech Designs Jan 05, 2013

4 Tips to Help Your First Meeting with a New Orleans Marketing Firm

So you’ve made the wise decision of partnering with a marketing firm to help with your small business efforts. But before you get down to business, there are some things you will want to clarify. Your marketing firm is a great place to strengthen your business goals, but without a clear vision of where your company wants to be, it may be difficult to nail down the best strategy unique to your company. While you may know your own goals, coming up with the best way to communicate these with an outside party is not always easy.

As you prepare for your meeting, there are a few things you can do to ensure success. Here are four tips to make your preparation time most effective, so that you can have an efficient and productive first meeting with your newly chosen marketing firm.

Nail Your Value Proposition

First and foremost, we will want to know what you do, why people care, and what value you bring to your industry. If you can’t explain this to us, it will be very difficult to convey that same message to a customer. Nailing your value proposition will strengthen your marketing efforts, and also your internal efforts, to work toward a common goal of creating a top-notch product for a specific niche. If creating an elevator pitch or value proposition seems daunting, bring us as much information as you have, including your mission statement and product details so that we can help you find the best way to present your product to the public.

Know Your Differentiating Factors

Why do people come to you over the competition? This is an important question and one you can be sure we will want to know when you come into our office for your first meeting. Knowing your differentiating factors can help us to determine where to focus our efforts. This will help identify the part of your target market that is not having its needs met. The differentiating factor, or factors, does not have to be specific to your product or service. For example, many companies differentiate themselves on service levels. When you can clearly define what makes you stand apart from the crowd, your customers will have a more definite reason to choose you over the rest.

Show Us What You’ve Done

Chances are, you have already done some sort of marketing before working with us. We want to see what you’ve done so that we can better understand how your business has been represented in the past. This will help us to determine if it is time for a change, or if we should continue rolling with the messaging you have. By exposing what marketing you have done in the past, you can help us understand what worked and what did not.

Prepare for Beyond the First Meeting

Once you have the initial topics to discuss, we will also want to know how we will stay in touch with your company and continue our joint effort toward helping your business thrive. Have a person of contact in place and a method for how communication will flow once the first meeting is over. This will make our jobs easier and your marketing efforts more effective.

Working with a marketing firm allows your company to hand over this essential piece of the business puzzle to experts, and instead lets you focus on what you do best. Contact us today to schedule your first meeting so that we can get started helping your business grow and thrive in today’s challenging market.

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