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Outsourcing SEO Strategy Dec 22, 2015

5 Reasons to Outsource Your SEO Strategy

Many companies are starting to see the benefits of having a comprehensive SEO strategy. However, many businesses are still uncertain about whether or not the implementation of an SEO strategy should be handled in-house or if the work should be done by an outsourced provider. Using a third-party company for your SEO strategy can have many benefits. Here are 5 reasons to outsource your SEO strategy.

Stop Procrastination

When it comes to SEO, many small businesses are simply overwhelmed by the number of tasks that are required to maintain an SEO strategy. In addition, many businesses do not have the in-house resources to effectively manage the strategy. As a result, the process is often delayed meaning that your business will continue to fall behind competitors. Outsourcing your SEO strategy will stop procrastination and ensure that everything gets done as it should.


While it might seem cheaper to do SEO in-house at first, having your staff perform these duties takes away from valuable resources that you could be using to focus on the other parts of your business. Since SEO has to be done continuously, this means that your staff will likely end up doing things that you didn’t originally hire them to do. Since outsourced providers are typically competing on price with other providers, it will be easier to keep your strategy on budget by outsourcing to a third-party SEO provider.


Many SEO firms use software to perform the tasks that are required to maintain an SEO strategy. These software programs are often designed for enterprise use by SEO companies. As a result, purchasing the software for you to use only for your company may become a significant expense. If you work with an outsourced provider, the provider will have already invested in these tools so that you don’t have to worry about adding on additional costs for software in order to maintain your SEO strategy.


SEO requires expertise and it is not enough to simply read a few articles online in order to understand SEO. In addition, you don’t want to make the mistake of considering yourself as an expert when you only have a basic understanding of how it works. If you want to make sure that you don’t make any mistakes, hiring an SEO professional can ensure that things are done properly the first time. Since SEO is constantly evolving, the SEO professional will then be in charge of keeping up with the latest industry updates.


Many companies employ an SEO strategy in order to outdo competitors. By outsourcing your SEO, you will have access to the same professionals that your competitors may be using. In addition, an outsourced SEO team will also have the time and the resources to study what the competition is doing so that they can create a better strategy for your business.

If you are ready to outsource your SEO strategy, Infintech Designs can help. We offer comprehensive SEO services that will boost your business’s rankings in the search engines. To request a free SEO strategy review, click here to contact us now.

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