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Social Media Tasks - Infintech Designs May 21, 2016

5 Social Media Tasks to Focus on in 2016

Are you looking to get better results from your social media strategy? As social media marketing has expanded to include even more channels, such as Snapchat and Instagram, it has become extremely important to prioritize the right tasks so that your efforts are focused only on the techniques that will drive growth and engagement. Here is a list of the top 5 social media tasks that you should focus on in 2016 if you want to get the best results.

Content Creation

Without content, you won’t have anything to post to your social media tasks. As a result, content creation should be your top priority when it comes to social media marketing. For most businesses, outsourcing social media content creation is the best way to ensure that you always have high quality content available to post. This includes the creation of videos, infographics and other shareable media. Make sure that any content that you post to social media is well-written, free of errors and has been thoroughly researched to ensure accuracy and that it appeals to your audience.


Do you know which are the best times to post content on the various social media sites? Hint: every site isn’t the same. While posting at peak times make work from some social media sites, it can actually be harmful to achieving maximum reach on Facebook. Use the best practices for scheduling for each social media site and review your analytics data to uncover the times when engagement with your posts is at its highest.


You need to make sure that you have set aside time and resources to respond promptly to engagement and questions on social media. As the number of followers on you social media account increases, responding to new posts will require more of your time. Make sure that you plan ahead so that you can deal with any increases as they occur. Failing to respond to the messages that you receive can cause your followers to unfollow you and may also damage your brand if your followers are using social media as a customer service channel.

Building Relationships With Influencers

You should continuously seek out new social media influencers for your brand. Select influencers based on relevance, reach and resonance. Reach refers to the number of people that you can reach through the influencer’s followers that can positively impact your business. Relevance refers to whether the content that the influencer shares is relevant to your business. Resonance means engagement with an audience via relevant content. You can use social media tools and the search engines to uncover the social media influencers that are most valuable to your business.

After you have identified these individuals, focus on building meaningful relationships with them. Contacting an influencer shouldn’t be a one-off event. In fact, you must share and participate in conversations regularly with them so that they will return the favor for your business as your relationships grow.


Create a schedule to regularly review performance reports in order to determine whether your social media strategy is working. By reviewing the analytics data regarding your campaign, you can adjust your campaign goals, assess your social media best practices, and ensure that you have an adequate social crisis plan in place.

Prioritizing your social media efforts can help you to achieve the results that you want faster. In addition, it will also ensure that you spend the most time on the tasks that are the most important. When it comes to social media marketing, the list of tasks to do can seem overwhelming. However, by creating a plan and even outsourcing your strategy to a professional service, you can build your brand.

Do you need help with organizing your social media marketing plan for better results? If you would like to request a free social media strategy review, contact Brian at Infintech Designs today to request your free reliable social media audit and quote.

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