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Holiday Email Marketing - Infintech Designs Dec 12, 2015

5 Tips for Holiday Email Marketing

The holidays are coming up and for some businesses, the holiday season means lots of sales and even more customers. Every year customers seem to start shopping for holiday gifts earlier. Therefore, it is a good idea to already have a strategy in place for your holiday email marketing before the season begins. Here are five tips to help you get your email marketing ready for this holiday season.

Get Festive

Nothing says holiday season cheer like custom email templates and other promotional materials for your business. If your email marketing campaign will be dedicated to the holiday season, you will need to make sure that you plan with a graphic designer or a website designer to have these items ready. Making sure that your holiday email messages also help to promote your brand is important.

Review Your Analytics Data

If you want to know where you should start when it comes to targeting customers for the holiday shopping season, you will need to start by reviewing the previous year’s analytics data for new insights. Start by reviewing your traffic sources, successful holiday messages, and correlation with your other online marketing campaigns (social media, SEO, etc). Once you figure out this information out, you will have some ideas on the best ways to reach your customers.

Now you must also combine this analytics data with the current trends for this season. How are your customers making purchases? Are they shopping online or at your store? Do you think there are certain promotions that might do better this year than others? Figure out these trends and use them to upgrade your campaign.

Embrace Mobile

If you want to reach as many users in your target audiences as possible, you need to embrace mobile with your email marketing strategy. Make sure that your email marketing templates are responsive so that they properly display on mobile devices. You should also make sure that you provide offers that mobile users can take advantage of or share with other users for maximum response rates.

Get Ahead With a Plan

Setting up a plan for your email marketing before the holiday season begins can help you to get better results. You should make sure that you have all of the resources in place to handle any increased volumes in orders or customer support that you will need in order to effectively accommodate your customers.

These ideas can help you to improve your email marketing campaign this holiday season. By planning ahead, you have a greater chance of using email marketing to improve your sales. You can also make sure that you are ready for any potential changes in your business.

What ideas will you use to boost your holiday marketing this season? If you need professional marketing services, contact Infintech Designs today!

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