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PPC Advertising Helps Small Businesses Excel In The Market - Infintech Designs Jan 31, 2013

How Pay Per Click Advertising Helps Small Businesses Excel in the Market

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising uses researched keywords that are tailored to your target market. These keywords and ads encourage likely customers and clients to click on the ad and so be directed to your website or related page. PPC is not just for large companies, it can provide a variety of advantages for your small business. PPC accounts for approximately 6% of the total ad clicks around the web, according to eConsultancy. This may seem like a small number, but that should encourage you further to create the best ads you can for PPC marketing. As it is one of the least expensive ways to advertise your business, you will find a variety of benefits to choosing this method of marketing.

Fast Results
With PPC advertising, your small business website is going to get almost instant gratification. The ads go directly to your landing page, which is usually your sales page or a website selling products or services, which means each person clicking on the ad has great potential to make a purchase from your online store. Even if the purchase isn’t immediate, your business and products are getting instant exposure. It also increases your search ranking when more people click on your ads. Placing ads and beginning to see visits is an incredibly quick process.

Local Visibility
Local businesses can reap large rewards from PPC marketing. You can also tailor your PPC marketing ads to encourage local visibility. You will choose local PPC that are only listed on relevant websites in your area, so that people clicking on the ad and going to the landing page are from your hometown or planning to visit soon. If you also have a store or business locally, you will improve your walk-in potential business as well.

Social Media Marketing
You can combine your PPC advertising with social media marketing for greater potential for success. According to Experian’s recent study, approximately 91% of adults use social media on a regular basis. This opens up many more opportunities for improving your business by using PPC on social media sites, such as Facebook. It will also help you get more exposure to your social media sites and further expand your customer base.

Many small business owners and managers simply don’t have the time to learn about the intricacies of PPC marketing, despite the benefits it could bring to their business. Infintech Designs offers tailored PPC marketing advice and packages in New Orleans which are ideal for small businesses.


Infintech Designs
3110 Magazine St., #120
New Orleans, LA 70115

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