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Optimize Your Blog for SEO - Infintech Designs Jan 09, 2013

How to Optimize Your Blog for SEO

You have undoubtedly heard that blogs are a great way to earn new business, attract new leads and ultimately establish your brand in the market. Still, your blog has been built and while your current customers love all of the quality content you are producing, no new visitors seem to be coming to your website by way of the blog. Where are you going wrong?

Your blog is on your website, and just like the content you place on your various pages, and the design you have created to be search engine friendly, your blog must operate in the same way. While some people argue that blogging for human interest inherently attracts the attention of search engines because it is keyword rich in a naturally written way, this is not always true. There is more that goes into optimizing your blog aside from just sprinkling some keywords throughout posts.

Optimizing your blog to be attractive to search engines is not hard, but it is necessary. Here are a few of the best ways that you can give your business blog the boost it needs to look better in front of search engines and attract more of the readers you are looking for.

Work to Earn Inbound Links
One of the best ways to signal to a search engine that your blog is interesting for people searching for a specific topic is to have others link back to it. These links must come from quality sites so that the search engines know that they are legitimate. Ask people in your network to link to your blog posts and reach out to other bloggers in your niche to share your valuable content with them.

Write Multiple Posts for a Specific Niche
Many blogs tend to scatter their posts into different categories that tend to become too wide spread to make an impact on a search engine. Instead, write blog posts about specific topics related to your product. This will help you to add more keywords to your content and give search engines more incentive to view your topic as relevant to their searchers.

Keep Your Website Design Simple
Adding things, such as Flash and Javascript to your blogs, can have a negative impact on your SEO efforts. Instead, keep your blog as simple and straightforward as possible when it comes to design. You can use visual aids, and visuals are recommended, but these should be in the form of small images or embedded videos that do not require lengthy page load times.

Interlink Throughout Your Blog
As you are writing blog posts, it is a good idea to link to other blog posts that you may have written in the past. This will not only help search engines find your blog relevant on specific topics, but it will also help your readers click further for more information that they can use to their benefit, keeping your visitors on your site for longer.

Update Your Blog Regularly
Regular updates to your blog show search engines that you are still current. With regularly published information on a specific topic, you consistently keep your website fresh with new keyword-rich content which can help you enhance your image to search engines over time.

Write Posts Long Enough
Each time you write a post, try to make it dense enough to offer something of value to your reader. Each post should be around 500 – 700 words in length. Doing so will show search engines that you have enough to say on the specific topic you are writing about.

As you start blogging, keep these tips in mind. For help with your blog strategy, contact our office here at Infintech Designs to take advantage of our content creation services or for more guidance.

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