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Mobile Marketing – Buying Decisions Happen on Mobile for 60% of Consumers

Mobile marketing has boomed and almost 60% of most target markets make the most of their mobile gadgets when trying to purchase online, particularly when looking for places to eat, automobiles, telecom solutions, and entertainment. This is according to the most recent study made by Telmetrics and xAd in the 3rd annual report from Mobile Path-to-Purchase.

This is expected due to the growing number of features and solutions offered by mobile devices with statistics showing that up to 2 percent increase in satisfaction in 2013 wherein 61 percent are satisfied with the reliability of information that can be accessed using smartphones. For tablet users, that number grew further up to 2 percentage points with 68 percent satisfaction rating.

Still there are rooms for improvements as the top reasons for dissatisfaction, as per the study, includes sluggish connections, irrelevant information, and the relatively smaller screen on mobile devices. Fortunately, these reasons are among the factors that the site owners can do something about.

While the report cited that device usage may still vary by the time of the day and search categories, a staggering 10.6 billion online visits are made via smartphones as opposed to the the 5.8 billion on a PC in 2014.

A lot more than 40 percent of online buyers consider mobile as the most valuable source of media and information which only hints the slow death of print publishing. As a matter of fact, only 5 percent still considers print media as the most valuable.

With regards to the type of information in demand with mobile, the study revealed almost the same results as with PC users wherein majority used the Internet to make initial research and to browse for great deals.

With a number of users who are keen on location or phone targeted search, over 73 percent of them would prefer a local number than a toll-free number most specially for local based business advertising their offers online.

When shopping, the use of smartphones as crucial shopping devices experienced a 26 percent lift in 2013 while 29 percent of users consider it the most valuable shopping tool in 2014.

One out of four online buyers admitted the use of mobile devices throughout the buying process, from initial research to comparison to the final buying action.

According to Bill Dinan, President of Telmetrics: “Capturing consumer engagement points throughout the mobile path to purchase is essential to optimizing mobile ad programs to reach consumers when they are most open to options for fulfilling their purchase needs”.

So which features do mobile users find really important? The research revealed varied preferences across different categories analyzed including coupons, reliable reviews, and accessible contact information.

Another question, which factors led to more buyers? The answer lies on the reasonable prices, brand, and location.

With mobile becoming really popular when it comes to research, browsing, and other action-oriented tasks, it’s also becoming an important factor in optimizing the web presence of any local business.

“The impact of this increased mobile usage is significant and it isn’t limited to on-device activity,” said Monica Ho, SVP of marketing, xAd. “With mobile consumers looking to make decisions quickly and locally, mobile is also serving as a tool to drive in-store activity.”

In the latest report, Telmetics and xAd announced that while most of the transactions happen in person, mobile web presence can definitely promote brand awareness, affect buying decisions, and cause more visitors to physical locations.

For reliable mobile marketing service in New Orleans check out Infintech Designs.

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