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What You Need to Know About Gmail Auto Unsubscribe - Infintech Designs Apr 04, 2014

What You Need to Know About Gmail Auto-Unsubscribe

Gmail auto-unsubscribe is a new feature that was just recently rolled out in order to help Gmail users better sort out lists that they want to belong to and which they don’t. The feature was designed to help Gmail users unsubscribe quickly from lists however email marketers are concerned that the new feature will decrease their subscribers. As an email marketer, here is what you need to know about this feature.

Too Hard to Unsubscribe
The reason why Gmail decided to roll out this feature is because many list owners were making it impossible or very difficult to unsubscribe from their mailing lists. Email users are often put through lengthy contact forms or feedback surveys with instructions on how to unsubscribe from a list a completely different experience depending on which sites you visit.

Therefore Gmail decided to make things easier for their users so if they were dissatisfied with an email list, they could immediately stop the emails. This has been deemed as very convenient for many email users but what does this mean for marketers?

Marketers Have to Work on Their Message
If you are putting out content that is irrelevant to your target audience, then it is highly likely that you are already running into issues with unsubscribers. If that is the case you must look to your analytics data, competitors or any other source that can provide you with good ideas for content to put out in your email marketing. Don’t forget that the goal is not to build a huge list of people, but to find the people that want to buy your product or service as a result of viewing your email marketing campaign.

Keep List Subscribers Informed
A quick fix to dealing with this problem is to email your list members and let them know about the new update and work out a plan to keep these users on the list. This can mean asking for feedback on how to improve the quality of content that the list members receive or simply giving instructions on how to get resubscribed if they accidentally unsubscribe.

Make It Easy for Users to Unsubscribe
Gmail has set it up so that email marketers that have positive reputations won’t have the auto-unsubscribe messages show up on the emails of the Gmail users that receive mail from these marketers. The way to have the button avoid showing up for your list members, is to install an unsubscribe button into your email template so that is highly visible. Making the unsubscribe process as simple as possible once the user clicks the link means that your email marketing efforts will be less likely to gather complaints resulting in Gmail showing the button for your campaign.

If your company is already excelling at email marketing and your campaign is converting well, then is highly unlikely that your company will be affected by this chance. However, if you think that your email marketing campaign needs some work, then it may be time to change some things around before Gmail marks your campaign with this new feature.

Are you concerned about Gmail Auto-Unsubscribe? Infintech Designs can help you set up an email marketing campaign that is sure to engage your target audience so you do not have to worry about your list members slowly disappearing due to this feature. Get in touch with us today and we can provide you with a customized email marketing quote.

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