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SEO Optimized Content - Infintech Designs May 16, 2014

SEO Optimized Content: What Has Changed

In recent years, Google has made a lot of updates to its search algorithms which have in turn meant big changes for website owners in terms of rankings. Many of the changes revolved around Google becoming increasingly particular about the types of content that are considered relevant content worthy of high rankings.

Here are a few steps that you should take to ensure that your content strategy is up to par and is ready to take on any future Google updates.

Check Your Links
Google has made it clear that it will not tolerate link buying and other methods to manipulate a website’s backlink profile. In addition, these standards may even extend to guest posting due to the fact that this method of link building has grown in popularity and Google knows that there are website owner’s out there that are using this tactic recklessly.

While you can continue building links, focus on building relationships instead so that you will be receiving genuine traffic from that partner’s website. These sort of links are guaranteed to withstand any future Google updates because they were generated honestly.

Focus on Building Domain Authority
Is your site, the go-to website for information in your industry? If not, you should focus on building up your content so that it turns into that site. A good way to do this would be to address all of the topics related to your industry that your website visitors might be interested in when they come to your website.

Use Keywords That Match Organic Searches to Your Site
A good way to figure out what those topics are that interest your website visitors is to analyze your site analytics data. Look for long-tail and medium-tail keyword searches and work these keywords into your site’s content. As you do that you will not only have an endless supply of topic ideas but you will also help your website to rank higher for the terms that attract traffic to your website.

Is Your Site Relevant?
In a general sense, you might say yes. But with these recent updates from Google now is the time to check your website thoroughly to make sure that all content on your website is relevant. If you made some mistakes in the past in your attempt to gain traffic by posting site content that is not related to what your site offers, go back and rework that content to make it more relevant.

Update Your Site With New Content Regularly
Google has also made it public news that freshness is part of the factors that it evaluates when determining a site’s rankings. Start by creating a content calendar for your website if you don’t already have one. Then you should make sure that you are publishing the content on a regular basis to help your site maintain its rankings.

While you will need to probably make some adjustments to your content strategy overall, if you have opted to provide your readers with the type of content that appeals to them in the first place, then you are already on the right track. If you haven’t been doing that, then it is time to take some of the points above into consideration when redefining your content strategy.

Do you need assistance with developing a better content marketing strategy in light of Google’s recent algorithm changes? Infintech Designs specializes in content marketing and we can help you to create a strategy that will keep you on top of the latest updates. Click here for a few quote for our services today.

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