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Is-It-Time-to-Clean-Up-Your-Backlinks - Infintech Designs Mar 21, 2014

Is It Time to Clean Up Your Backlinks?

If you have been wondering why your search engine rankings seem to unpredictable or are not getting better despite the time and money that you are spending to improve them. Then perhaps it is time for you to clean up your backlinks. If you have been working on building up your website for many years, then it is likely that there are backlinks in your backlink profile that are no longer serving to help your website.

While you may think that every backlink is a good backlink to have as long as it is coming from a reputable site, the latest Google algorithm updates have made it clear that all backlinks are not created equally. The truth is that Google wants your website to be linked around the web as naturally as possible in order to consider it as a site that it would want to rank highly.

The other reason why you might want to clean up your backlink profile is if you have received an unnatural link warning from Google. In this case, doing a cleanup right away is important if you don’t want to end up having your website delisted by Google. This is usually the next step that follows if nothing is done, especially in the cases where a site’s entire backlink profile consists of unnatural links.

You can wind up with a lot of unnatural links in your backlink profile if you have ever paid a service in the past to create links for you. This happens when unethical SEO’s do not work with webmasters to create links to reputable sites but instead simply do link blasts, or spam campaigns, to get links to your site. This is why it is very important that you are checking your link profile regularly. It is very easy for a seasoned SEO professional to tell when this has been done so that they can advise you on how to fix it.

In order to avoid this problem in the future, it is also highly recommended that you don’t hire cheap services to do SEO. This includes services that guarantee first page results and other unethical practices. The outcome of doing this will usually be that you will receive an unnatural link notice from Google at some point which will make all of your efforts pretty much useless.

The last reason why you might want to do a backlink cleanup is in the event that you are starting a new link building campaign. By cleaning up your backlinks prior to the campaign, you will be able to track the results of the campaign accurately without having static caused by old bad backlinks clouding your analytics data about your new campaign. It is never a good idea to start a new link building campaign if there are still bad backlinks in your backlink profile because of the fact that you will likely end up spending more time and money than you otherwise might have because of the links that are hampering your success.

Does your website need a backlink cleaning? Get in touch with Infintech Designs today and we can evaluate your backlink profile in order to determine if all of the links to your site are really helping your site or if your website’s backlink profile is actually in need of a cleaning.

Don’t continue building links to your site until you have had your site evaluated by Infintech Designs. Our review will likely save you time and money so that you can build up your site only in a way that will benefit your site’s rankings positively.

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