Tips for On-Page SEO
On-page SEO is the first step to obtaining the top spots for the competitive keyword phrases that you would like your website to rank for. Ignoring on-page SEO is a common mistake of online marketers and it is a problem that you can fix as it is completely under your control.
Here are few tips that will help you to tighten up your on-page SEO so that your content will outrank that of your competitors. However, keep in mind that SEO is constantly changing but these tips should help you stay ahead of the game for at least the next few months.
Title Tags
Start by making sure that the main keyword and the variations of that main keyword phrase appear in the title tag for each of the pages of your site. You should also make sure that the keywords that you select are specific to that page. Do not try to optimize multiple pages for the same keyword phrase because this will not help your site rank higher in the search engines as this tactic is considered to be keyword stuffing.
Meta Descriptions
Meta descriptions pay a key role in the on-page optimization strategy for your site. Google has already made it clear that meta descriptions no longer play a factor in ranking pages however it is important to get the meta description right because it is the first thing that a visitor will see before making a decision as to whether or not to visit your website.
You should make sure that the meta description accurately describes the content on that specific page of your website. As with title tags, make sure that you don’t over optimize the content for specific keyword phrases.
Heading Tags
Heading tags should contain the main keyword for that specific page. If you need to use multiple H2 and H3 tags, you must make sure that you only use one H1 tag per page. You should not repeat the same main keyword phrases in multiple heading tags but instead use variations of the main keyword phrases to ensure that the page is not overly optimized for only one specific keyword phrase.
When it comes for the content for your each of your pages, use your main keyword phrase and the variations of that keyword phrase sparingly throughout the content. At this point it is more important to write naturally and write content that is compelling to your site visitors than to try to figure out how to game the search engines into ranking your page highly based on the keyword phrases that the content contains.
As you write the content, you should also make sure that you distribute heading tags throughout the content that contain your main keyword phrases as well as variations of those keyword phrases. You should also make sure that the content is completely unique and has not been copied from somewhere else. Finally, make sure that all of your content pages have URL structures that are search engine friendly. This can be done by making sure that the URL contains the page title for your page or the title of the post that appears on the page. If you need to update your link structure so that this issue is fixed, you must make sure that you redirect all existing links to the new URLs by using 301 redirects.
Do you need assistance with fixing the on-page optimization for your site? Infintech Designs can help you to fix your on-page optimization and site content so that it is up to the latest SEO standards. Click here today to chat with us and obtain a quote for SEO services.