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Value With Social Media - Infintech Designs Jan 03, 2015

Creating Value With Social Media

Social media marketing can be expensive to implement and the various degrees of success really depend on who is managing the campaign. If you want to create a social media campaign that will offer high returns on your investment, there are a few things that you need to make sure to achieve in order for this to happen. Here are some tips on how to create brand-boosting value with your social media campaign.

Be Responsive

Part of increasing engagement with your followers is in your own hands. If you want people to engage with your brand, you need to be responsive to their postings on social media. While it might be easier to only respond to the posts in which you agree with, responding to posts that you disagree with can bring more attention to your social media account. Discussing topics that have resulted in a disagreement often bring in more responses. In addition, you may be able to attract additional followers simply by representing the opposing opinion. However, when using this strategy, you should always make sure that the disagreement never devolves into a full scale argument as this is not beneficial in anyway.

Share Your Experiences

You can increase the value that you are providing to users by delivering your own unique perspective. This can be done by sharing real, genuine experiences from your business. Start by sharing videos of business events or images that will help to attract followers that are specifically interested in the message that your business has to offer. In addition, you will want to make sure that you get rid of any generic looking stock images on your account. In many cases while business owners think that stock photography makes their business look successful, in actually it might simply decrease user trust when it comes to social media.

Focus on Conversions Not Hits

If you want to be sure that you are actually creating value on social media, you need to be focused on your conversion rates, not just the number of views or likes on your page. If you are getting more likes or views but not the click-through rate that you are looking for, then perhaps it is time to change something in your campaign. In addition, you need to understand that the path to a conversion becomes more complicated when social media is involved because the follower might not go directly to your site which can lead you to believe that there was no conversion. In these instances, you will need to implement tools that can track your follower as they interact with your various marketing channels.

Don’t Expect Instant Results

If your goal is to use social media to boost your brand, it is important to keep in mind that this is a long-term strategy. You can not expect to see results overnight. Creating value takes time because you are trying to build trust in your brand with your followers.

If your social media campaign needs a boost, Infintech Designs can help. Click here to request a quote now for social media marketing services.

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