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Internet Marketing Terminology - Infintech Designs Jan 07, 2015

Must Know Internet Marketing Terminology

Most small business owners spend their time focusing on their customers and delivering the best possible products and services. However, how many business owners really take the time to understand the terms used by reliable SEO firms and internet marketing companies? Understanding more about internet marketing can help business owners to better understand how and why internet marketing strategies work so that they can get the best returns for the money that is being spent.

Call to Action

A call to action is a command that requests that a customer take further action. An example of a call to action could be “Click here to request an appointment.” Figuring out which call to actions work best to make your customers take action are what online marketing is all about. Customers won’t take action unless you tell them to. Therefore, every online marketing campaign needs a clear call to action statements.


A conversion is a step in the marketing process where a customer decides to take an action. A conversion can be considered a reply email, call but most commonly refers to a sale. The term conversion is important because conversions should be the main focus of your online marketing campaign. In addition, to raise conversions rates, adequate tracking is necessary.

Customer Acquisition Cost

The customer acquisition cost refers to the amount of money that needs to be spent in order to acquire a new paying customer. When it comes to online marketing the cost of a customer is important because it shows exactly how much of a return your internet marketing campaign is providing. Marketing costs should always be in line with the CAC in order to ensure that the costs of marketing do not exceed the returns.


Remarketing refers to following up with potential customers that have been previously contacted. An example of a remarketing tactic is sending a message to reengage a previous customer. Remarketing is important because it allows companies to gain referrals and feedback. Remarketing can also help to bring in new business by potentially targeting a customer when he or she is actually ready to buy.

Customers that are targeted via remarketing are also much more likely to buy because trust has already been established. In addition, remarketing can also help companies to obtain valuable feedback about what works and what doesn’t work.

If you are trying to get a better handle on your online marketing methods, learning more about internet marketing can help steer you in the right direction. Understanding these and other internet marketing terms can help you to become a more active participant in the work that your internet marketing company is performing on your company’s behalf.

Infintech Designs can help you put a more professional approach to your internet marketing. Request a review of your online marketing strategy today.

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