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SEO in 2012 – A Review

Search engine optimization(SEO) is the basis for page rank and getting your website to show up in search engine results....

Infographics are made for the purpose of presenting information to people visually, so that it can be more appealing and...

Google Authorship – Is it Important?

Google seems to constantly be introducing new improvements for personal and business users. If you are an entrepreneur or business...

Google Plus – The Second Biggest Social Media Site?

Google Plus, the social mediasite that was once deemed “the future killer of Facebook,” has now surpassed Twitter as the...

Pinterest, the virtual pin board site, is gaining popularity with individual users and businesses. For nearly a year now, millions...

Local SEO – What Does it Mean for New Orleans?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a tool that should be used by almost all businesses, because it helps you...

If you run a business, you most likely sell your products or services online. This will require having an online...

Simple Ways to Update Your Website Design to Drive More Sales Online

E-commerce has been popular for many years, and will continue improving in the coming years. According to Forrester Research, there...

How to Tell Your Story Visually On Your Website

Have you ever arrived at a website that was filled with just the right amount of images and text that...

Does Your Business Blog Have These Elements?

A business blog is a powerful marketing tool. It can attract new customers, keep current customers engaged and loyal to...

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